Christine Rhyner

Meet Christine

I am a wife, adoptive mother, non-fiction writer, defender of human life, amateur photographer & scrapbook-maker. Christians lost the culture war. I believe this is a critical hour for each member of the church to embrace his or her identity in Christ, unite in one mind and one Spirit, and boldly share the gospel with a hurting world.

New Book

‘You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.’ C.S. Lewis.

We are all born with an innate sense of the spiritual world…spiritual beings living a human experience through our earthly bodies. The spirit life is forever, the one on earth, a blip on the screen of eternity.

Authors Journey

People say,

"It’s the journey, not the destination."

The Israelites did not think so when they wandered through the desert for forty years in search of the promised land.

My Book

How Much Did You Pay For Her?

Understanding why people say what they do is the first step toward compassion, as it allows us to glimpse another perspective. This can lead to giving others grace an undeserved gift of letting people off the hook for what they say that eventually leads us to forgive them.

Recent Posts

Whatever Their World View, No, The Kids Are Not Alright, Part 2
Sunday, April 28, 2024




           Yet, no doubt the same noble sacrifice ascribed to Rachel would not be given to the Christian student in prayer and fasting against the cultural tide of rebellion against God—a real existential threat to the survival of America and other Western nations.

            Consider a college student attending Catholic Loyola Marymount College. She was stunned to receive a poor grade on a paper from her theology professor for referring to God as male (“Catholic University Student Penalized for Referring to God as a Man” The Federalist, 12/22/21).

            Her response to her LGBT++ activist professor, “I feel targeted by your comment…” left me a bit dismayed. She engaged in the very same feelings-based, victimology verbiage so common on the Left. They never stop feeling offended by everything from our Constitution to Mr. Potato Head.

            The fact that a radical, LGBT++ activist is even on staff as a theology professor at a Catholic University is a barometer of where we are as a society. A.W. Tozer said, “Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society’s own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender.”

The Pope is doing such. He leads the way in a kind of Marxist Liberation theology heavy on social justice rather than on pointing people to Jesus to be saved. But then, he has said that everyone, including atheists are saved. He is the only figurehead of any denomination of Christianity that gets a seat at the U.N. table to perpetuate the deception of Climate Change—which he does. He also has an issue with the sovereignty of nations and the right to protect their borders from unlawful, mass migration. And, just recently, he gave his approval for same-sex couples to be blessed by priests.

Many other churches too, have begun filling pastor appointments with homosexuals, draping the entrances to their houses of worship with rainbow flags and taking up a pro-abortion, detestable-to-God shedding of innocent blood advocacy. Others inject Critical Race Theory, or the concept that in order to stop racism, one must be racist towards Caucasians, into children’s Sunday school lessons. If churches are becoming less inclined to counter culture, how much more so are colleges, even though many were founded on Biblical principles?

The fact is, even at faith-based colleges, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mandates reign supreme. The student appears to be in a no-win kind of situation. Just what does academic pursuit have to do with defending how God chose to reveal Himself to mankind? If this student wrote a paper about her father as a “he,” would she be taken to task for referring to dads as males? Maybe. Even our own Congress has tried to toss out gender in favor of being “woke.”

In an article titled, “No more ‘he’ or ‘she,’ House Approves Gender-neutral Terms in its Official Language,” McClatchy DC, 1/4/21, Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying: “As House Speaker, I am pleased to join Chairman Jim McGovern in introducing this visionary rules package, which reflects the views and values of the full range of our historically diverse House Democratic Majority.”

The package she refers to is specific, official language found in the House rules. Here are just a few of the words found in various parts of the code they voted to eliminate: mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, and himself and herself replaced with themself.

It seems the fix was already in with a poor grade that could only be raised if the student convinced her professor that it is acceptable to preserve God’s reference to Himself. To do so she would have to find a way out of dragging Him into twenty-first century academia’s obsession with gender inclusivity and preferred pronouns.

We cannot dispute or cancel God’s choice to reveal Himself to humanity in the male form. From the Book of Acts to the Book of Revelation, the Greek word “Theos,” or a reference to God as male is mentioned nine-hundred times. One-hundred-and-sixty times, Christ referred to God as the Father. Yet, as of right now, Bibles are being re-written with gender-neutral pronouns so as not to offend the gender confused, the “toxic masculinity crowd” or those who rail against the patriarchy.

Whatever Their World View, No, The Kids Are Not Alright, Part 1
Thursday, April 18, 2024



            Indoctrination and activism are rife on so many of this nation’s college campuses. Young adults are not okay as they wrestle with issues that are painful psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

            Consider the worldview of nineteen-year-old Sophomore Rachel. She posted on her social media that she had taken to her bedroom for a two-day vow of silence and fasting in contrition for the planet.

            When I saw her post, I was both a bit frustrated and sympathetic over what has been called for a number of years now, the existential threat of Climate Change. Rachel really believes that in her lifetime the planet will fry to a crisp where it isn’t submerged under water unless we get off fossil fuels immediately.

            The narrative affects even children in middle school. In 2019, the late Senator Dianne Feinstein found herself in a bit of a heated exchange with ten-year-olds for her then decision to vote no to the “Green New Deal.” The “Deal” not a lot of people know explained how we would recycle our own urine for drinking, and promised a cozy chair in every U.S. home. Probably because those selling it do not intend for us to travel very far.

            To be good stewards of God’s earth and engage in conservation are positive, Biblical endeavors. I do not purport to be a climatologist, but the dire threat of Climate Change painted by the likes of politicians and actors has filled so many young adults with grief, anger and depression, it is hard to watch. It is a crisis narrative that has a nefarious agenda. It is gaining momentum through the World Economic Forum, this administration, and corporations in efforts to manipulate and control the population’s behaviors like mobility and purchases.

            While we do see a lot of weather phenomena today, the Bible tells us that there will be an increase in disasters like earthquakes in the last days. The New Living Translation of the Bible calls them “…only the first of birth pains, with more to come” (Matthew 24:7-8). God also said that He would never again destroy the earth by flood (Genesis 9:11). Neither is His Master Plan for the planet’s eight billion inhabitants to succumb to hot weather before Jesus returns. A third of the world population will be destroyed, but during the Great Tribulation, not the Great Temperature Fluctuation.

            Rachel’s post garnered a lot of likes and sympathetic responses. When she returned to school, her fellow classmates gave their approval. Her professors allowed her to make up two exams she missed while she spent her time in silent hunger.

            According to Leslie Davenport, who is a “Climate Psychologist Therapist” at the California Institute of Integral Studies, Rachel’s behavior is normal. Davenport says in the emerging field of Climate Anxiety, it is not only expected for young people to be distressed, grieved and angry, but that these feelings are healthy because it shows they care about the existential threat of Climate Change. With record numbers of drug overdoses and suicides in this age range, I wonder just how healthy they are. So many are fearful, hopeless and with emptier wallets over a sham.

            But even the co-founder of Greenpeace has been calling radical Climate Change a sham for more than ten years. “There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past one-hundred years,” said Moore, who testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight (“Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells Truth About Climate Change,” Investor’s Business Daily, 2013).

Australian Professor Ian Plimer who wrote “Green Murder” says, “In this book I charge the greens (governments gone green) with murder. They murder humans who are kept in eternal poverty without coal-fired electricity. They support slavery and early deaths of black child miners. They murder forests and their wildlife by clear felling for mining and wind turbines…They murder economies producing unemployment, hopelessness, collapse of communities, disrupted social cohesion and suicide.

“They murder free speech and freedoms and their takeover of the education system has ended up in the murdering of the intellectual and economic future of young people. They terrify children into mental illness with their apocalyptic death cult lies and exaggerations.”  

Day of Mourning, Day of Shame
Saturday, January 22, 2022


Today is the forty-ninth anniversary of Roe versus Wade, making abortion legal by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1973. Many of us who were buoyed yesterday by the March for Life in Washington, DC and by similar marches around the country in defense of the lives of the pre-born are today filled with mourning today for the approximate sixty to seventy million American lives snuffed out by abortion.

With the grief is a deep shame we bear in our hearts as pro-life citizens of a nation whose highest court in the land sanctioned the murder of human beings, smoothed over by politicians and the medical establishment with the words that it would only happen in the tiniest numbers of pregnancies, tragically out of medical necessity. If only the seven men who made this decision, and the women who thereby lawfully terminated pregnancies, could peer into the future to see that was a lie that would turn the rare and tragic into an international movement obsessed with murdering babies. A revolution that would boldly refute science and the truth of human biology.

The ultrasound was in the future, and when it had begun to be used to peer into the womb of a mother, it exposed the lie that objectified babies as clumps of inhuman cells. It continued to reveal the truth that a pre-born baby at just ten weeks of gestation would instinctively move away from an abortion instrument. Proof that a pre-born child has a heartbeat at two to three weeks of development. Brain development at six weeks. If we declare a stopped heart or a brain that is dead the tragic and mournful end of a life, how can such large numbers of otherwise good people in America that support abortion steel their hearts against celebrating all beating hearts and functioning brains six weeks after conception? Even in certain states that consider themselves advocates for the pre-born, their laws hypocritically and with willful scientific illiteracy restrict abortion at ten weeks, or fifteen, or in some cases, twenty-four weeks. No educated or moral mind can arbitrarily decide an acceptable period of time to terminate the life of a fellow human being.

Cracking the code of human DNA was in the future in 1973. If only seven men sitting on the Supreme Court, and women who believed their bodies contained clumps of cells could imagine the wonder of DNA. After Watson and Crick discovered DNA achieving a scientific milestone that would expand and grow exponentially long after they died, geneticists, doctors and the scientific community were enlightened bit by bit with observable data that a complete set of DNA exists in every child in the womb at the moment of conception. For some time now, the scientific community has known that at the moment of conception there is a spark of light.

In the book of Genesis, Chapter One, the earth was void, dark and without form. God commands the light to exist and it does. In Psalm 139: 15-16, the psalmist declares that God created his own life also in a dark place without form, ‘My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.’

With a burst of light, now powerfully documented through science and technology in the twenty-first century, God pours forth His power, His personality, His artistic expression as the Master Designer and Artist, in the creation of every human being. It is His DNA created in the light, for He fashions us in His own image, not after birth, but when egg and sperm meet and every strand of DNA in a unique individual is present.

In Psalm 139:13, the psalmist says, ‘For You formed my inward parts.’ Those inmost parts within all human beings’ DNA are our proclivities, curiosities, gifts, talents and purposes given by God and for God and even weaknesses and obstacles to overcome through Him, already spoken into existence by God at the moment of conception. The parallels of God calling forth light over the earth, to calling forth light at the conception of man speaks of such an awesome Creator who values us immensely. He destined us for greatness but greatness cannot be achieved in the darkness of a manipulated educational system, algorithmically controlled information, squelched curiosity, suppressed expression, psychologically manipulated fears, mass media distractions, cancelled weaknesses and the eradication of brilliant, Godly historical figures who were freely exercising ten parts of their brains to our flabby few.  

While God is light, His creation is light, and spiritual illumination is a light He places in our hearts, men and women who believe the lies about abortion are in darkness in knowledge and spirit. How can so many in a nation be uneducated about science and apathetic to the horrific reality that such a decision by the highest court in the land was taken advantage of by scientific elites unleashing all moral and ethical restraints to what we do to lives in the womb? Aren’t most people including the Supreme Court aware that the barbaric slaughter of babies is a multi-billion dollar industry which in turn profits from their body parts as commodities used for gruesome scientific and technological experimentation that Hitler could never have imagined? Have we become so spiritually dead and depraved that we turn a blind eye to the passing of infanticide leglislation to remove organs from living babies? So callous and desensitized that we do and say nothing about pieces of rats sewn onto cruelly aborted babies’ heads? What if those seven men and the women who thought they carried inhuman clumps of cells in their bodies could only see the perverse future in store from making abortion the law of the land?

What if those seven men in robes on our Supreme Court had any knowledge of the writings of Fabian Socialists like Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells who were not hiding their goals for a one world government achieved through things like universal birth control, depopulation, eugenics, selective breeding, advances in physiology, psychology, educational models and technology to control minds. Apparently, the majority of those men were grossly ignorant that opening a pandora’s box of abortion would allow propagandizing intellectuals at the top – the ones attending the World Economic Forum – who believe in one world government, a New World Order –to applaud the psychological manipulation and dumbing down of society that demands baby slaughter while it increasingly disparages traditional family, the glue that holds societies together. One can even make the case that we’re witnessing a sort of mass hypnosis of the college educated who are more indoctrinated than educated, because of atheistic, one world government socialists.

John Dewey (1859-1952) was the father of modern public education and one of the original signers of the “Humanist Manifesto.” He believed the public school should promote a Marxist socialist worldview and eradicate Christianity. “Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming.” My God, open your eyes, Supreme Court. Dewey and his fellow proponents of humanism and a New World Order have achieved the goal and the masses never saw it coming or how abortion would be a vehicle to get here. To watch college students protest for abortion, actually swallowing do it yourself at-home abortion pills while shouting ‘We love abortion’ does not spring from educated minds at all, but ones the elites have succeeded in programming.

The pro-abortion battle is fierce, with Biden’s Press Secretary purposefully spouting the big lies of abortion as Women’s Healthcare (it always kills a patient) and Reproductive Rights (A woman exercises her reproductive right by getting pregnant) and Biden’s commitment to upholding them, while Godly men and women who believe in the Sanctity of Life spoke, prayed and marched right outside of the doors to the WH. The pro-abortion battle is fierce in malevolent efforts to depopulate the globe and to use medico-technology to play little gods with babies’ bodies. To America’s great shame, it has pushed its baby killing onto the globe. We are not only going to pay for more and more of it on this planet according to the spokesmouth for the Scientific Elites and Technocrats really running nations, Biden, but we also force poor nations that oppose abortion to perform them with the threat of withholding much needed aid!

 The big lie of abortion is ‘I.’ ‘My body, my choice.’ It is a barbaric practice committed out of self-love. It is love of me, my sexual pleasures, me living out my truth, me not hurting anybody. It is wedded to the big lie of the existential threat of climate change, which is ‘we.’ Articles like, “Is it Even Moral to Have Kids with Climate Change?” are promulgated to propagandize that there is a sort of virtuosity in abortion. It is purely delusional thinking a generation now accepts that the selfishness of destroying life in the womb is a beneficent gift to the globe and the people who inhabit it. A growing number of young people now refuse to procreate in order to ‘save the planet’ from an increased carbon footprint. Completely insane Eco-radicals claim the planet must be rid of all human inhabitants to survive. Some suggest we beam earthlings to Mars to be good to planet earth.

The Supreme Court was established to uphold our Founding Documents. The most basic of these is our Declaration of Independence that holds truth as self-evident that all men are created equal by God, and it is He, with Supremacy over our nation and laws Who has given us unalienable rights that government has been forbidden to usurp of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By denying a right to life for a population of babies just in our own country as numerous as the entire nation of Great Britain, the other two untouchable rights were wrested away from them all. The Supreme Court also has a responsibility to uphold and accurately interpret our Constitution. To strike down Roe would be to admonish and correct all of the politicians and abortion activists falsely claiming that someplace in our Constitution is the right to unilaterally decide to kill another human being. That is the precise definition of murder, to be found nowhere in the Constitution of the United States.

I urge our nine justices on the Supreme Court to read the writings of the aforementioned humanists, atheists and one world government advocates. I implore them to read them not as science fiction or fascinating secular prophecy, but as plans already in the making seventy-five years ago that have come to fruition.  

Along with tens of millions of my fellow pro-life advocates, I would like to see Roe undone at the federal level and returned to the states. Of course, the Democrat states will protect the barbarism of slaughtering human beings and selling their pieces for profit by continuing to delude the masses that evil is good and good is evil. I do hope everyone who supports abortion will elect to live in Democrat states so that they can put their money where their mouths are and pay for murder with their taxes. I will empathize with people who have no choice but to live in these states and be financially complicit in abortion. I will pity women harmed by an acceleration of the production and distribution of dangerous mail order abortion pills. I will pray for the corporations and filmmakers who are but pawns of much more powerful, nefarious entities that blindly boycott states that ban abortion. I will weep at the increased division with even greater demonization of pro-life states. I will mourn for those who do not see any correlation between the bad things happening to America over the near half century we have been killing God’s heritage and the worse things to come if we do not stop. And I will continue to open my mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die, as Proverbs 31:8 says to do for those who remain choiceless and without rights, taken to an appointment at the Temple of Child Sacrifice, Planned Parenthood.